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Macro: Move notes with a tag to a folder

This script allows you to move notes with a certain tag to a folder. h44DF7W7Ef

module.exports = async function moveFilesWithTag(params) {
const {
quickAddApi: { suggester, yesNoPrompt },
} = params;
const allTags = Object.keys(app.metadataCache.getTags());
const tag = await suggester(allTags, allTags);
if (!tag) return;
const shouldMoveNested = await yesNoPrompt(
"Should I move nested tags, too?",
`If you say no, I'll only move tags that are strictly equal to what you've chosen. If you say yes, I'll move tags that are nested under ${tag}.`

const cache = app.metadataCache.getCachedFiles();
let filesToMove = [];

cache.forEach((key) => {
if (key.contains("template")) return;
const fileCache = app.metadataCache.getCache(key);
let hasFrontmatterCacheTag, hasTag;

if (!shouldMoveNested) {
hasFrontmatterCacheTag = fileCache.frontmatter?.tags
?.split(" ")
.some((t) => t === tag.replace("#", ""));
hasFrontmatterCacheTag =
hasFrontmatterCacheTag ||
fileCache.frontmatter?.Tags?.split(" ").some(
(t) => t === tag.replace("#", "")
hasFrontmatterCacheTag =
hasFrontmatterCacheTag ||
?.split(" ")
.some((t) => t === tag.replace("#", ""));
hasFrontmatterCacheTag =
hasFrontmatterCacheTag ||
fileCache.frontmatter?.Tag?.split(" ").some(
(t) => t === tag.replace("#", "")
hasTag = fileCache?.tags?.some((t) => t.tag === tag);
} else {
hasFrontmatterCacheTag = fileCache.frontmatter?.tags
?.split(" ")
.some((t) => t.contains(tag.replace("#", "")));
hasFrontmatterCacheTag =
hasFrontmatterCacheTag ||
fileCache.frontmatter?.Tags?.split(" ").some((t) =>
t.contains(tag.replace("#", ""))
hasFrontmatterCacheTag =
hasFrontmatterCacheTag ||
?.split(" ")
.some((t) => t.contains(tag.replace("#", "")));
hasFrontmatterCacheTag =
hasFrontmatterCacheTag ||
fileCache.frontmatter?.Tag?.split(" ").some((t) =>
t.contains(tag.replace("#", ""))
hasTag = fileCache?.tags?.some((t) => t.tag.contains(tag));

if (hasFrontmatterCacheTag || hasTag) filesToMove.push(key);

const folders = app.vault
.filter((f) => f.children)
.map((f) => f.path);
const targetFolder = await suggester(folders, folders);
if (!targetFolder) return;

for (const file of filesToMove) {
const tfile = app.vault.getAbstractFileByPath(file);
await app.fileManager.renameFile(