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Capture: Add a Task to a Kanban Board

This will add a task to the chosen Kanban Board.

In Capture To, select the board.

Select the Task option.

Then select the Insert after option, and write ## followed by the name of the lane you want to add the task to.

In my case, I want to add tasks to a lane called Backlog, so it becomes ## Backlog.

If you want, you can experiment with the format syntax - you could, for example, experiment with adding dates and times.

To add a date for a task, you could just write {{VALUE}} @{{{DATE}}} in the format syntax. This would add the current date as the date for the card.

You could also use {{VALUE}} @{{{VDATE:DATE,gggg-MM-DD}}} to get asked which date you want to input - but do note that this requires the Natural Language Dates plugin.

Read more about format syntax here.
